What next for Donald "The Duck"

 After what seems like months of counting, the Presidential race has been decided.   Biden is the new man, unless you are Donald Trump and his minions.   They think the race has been won by them and with some shady lawyering, they will get to stay in the White House--no chance.  They are operating like they live in a dictatorship and their wish is everyone's command and that is just not the case.   Bully away all you want, you lost a clean fight.  It was basically a knock out and the smelling salts are not going to save you for another round. 

 What happens next??   Thousands of people will get sick and die from Covid as the lame duck Donald plays golf, yells at his lawyers and staff, fires more staffers and hires the yes people he so loves.   It will be a useless parade of the soon to be fired, getting their 5 minutes of glory in DC.  And the entire time, the states will certify their vote count and the Electoral College will seal the deal.  Law suits are just water on a ducks back at this point.   

Donald will get put out..   My predictions on the " transfer of power"

  • Donald at some point will go to Mir a Lago and stay.  If the weather gets too bad to golf in the area he will leave and not return.   Christmas week comes to mind.  Melania will leave even earlier and she may go back to New York instead. 
  • Continue the lies--he has read( been told) the Nazi playbook from pre war Europe and is going through it page by page.   How to get your propaganda turned into truth... 
  • I think Pence will get stuck with the dirty work, such as public appearances where they press can badger him with questions and the Inauguration. 
  • Donald will remain steadfast about getting screwed out of re election and not congratulate Joe or Kamala. 
  • He will not go to the Biden inauguration because he will be too humiliated with the lack of camera time and he will not be speaking at that event!!

Where does Donald go next?   Continue to duck tax bills. The State of NY wants him  right away for tax fraud and a laundry list of other misdeeds.    The hotel business is in the toilet.  It is rumored that he will start his own TV network.   Odds are short on that, too much cash up front unless some idiot bank loans him some money he will not repay.   Where is the money and publicity  going to come from to keep him in the news and feed his ego?? 

Donald "the Duck" Trump will engage in a four year campaign to pay back the cheating Democrats and get back in the Oval Office in his "Revenge of 2024, Return America to Greatness, etc".   The tax laws are set up in such a way that you can actually make a living on campaign contributions.  Donald has been cheating on taxes for years and why not continue the scam?     An example is John Glenn who was a Senator from Ohio for 24 years.  He ran for President a couple of times and borrowed a lot of money to finance the campaign.  In the end he lost and had a debt of $2.7 million dollars in the 1990's.   When he died, he still owed the money.   But his Senate campaign fund was well funded and he could or would not pay off the debt with his Senate dollars.  So there are ways to keep campaigning and collecting the money and that is what is going to happen.   Start a new campaign, rename it, and off you go with fresh money to do as you please. 

Donald will campaign,  have those rallies, collect money for the Revenge of 2024 cause, hire all his kids and lackies to be paid with the new money.   Sound too easy?   It will more than likely happen in some form.   By the time the next election cycle gets into full swing, hopefully his vein of cash will be exhausted and he will get pushed out of the picture---- that is just me hoping.   I bet you could pay Donald to play a round of golf at one of his courses for a $20 or 30K campaign contribution.   I think that has been going on the entire time he was President-- he golfed every weekend with different people at his own courses. 

The Bully got beat and he is a terrible loser.   He will be on his comeback trail before you know it and I hope the tax people get their way and shut this mess down for good.     


  1. Interesting to go back and read this. It's still good!


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