Recovery. One More Time

 It has been about 10 weeks since I pinched the nerve in my back causing the muscle control issue in my right quad.   I am seeing my chiro twice a week for treatment and we are gaining on the process--s. l. o. w  l.  y.   I did visit my regular doctor who prescribed some steroids and also discussed some surgery technics.  I took the steroids and was superman for 4 days and but I wrote her a note about the other procedures and told her I would wait for Fall until thinking about that stuff.   I want to run out the chiro work first.   He said it could be up to 9 months for a full recovery and I got the time.   

I am making progress, my lower leg buzzy feeling on my right side is basically gone.   But the quad control is still muted, with an occasional problem with my right leg just giving away for a split second and then I catch myself and keeping on trucking. Those occurrences are becoming less and less.   The chiro has given me permission to do some stretching and also some weight work and also suggested some brisk walks.    This week I have been at the gym and working on my brisk walking on the treadmill and also some cable work for my legs.   I do stretch every other day and I am careful about what position I get the back oriented.   But we are making progress.   I am up to 25 minutes of brisk walking and on Sunday I thought I would test the running.   I put the treadmill on 8 MPH and did three strides and was done.  We are a long long long way from doing that again.  My right leg just did  not want to fire and at best you would call my running style catty wampus.   If we continued, I would have been on the floor. 

When do I get to run again is  the real question for me?? 

But for now, I will start sweating it out on the treadmill and be happy with that progress.   As we get along into this recovery, the other work will commence.  I will have  to toughen up my feet again, get my breathing back again, work on my strength and fitness again, reduce this gut that appeared.     It is just starting over which I have done several times in the last couple years, but I am gladly doing it again.  I like the running and competing--I feel  like I belong to that group and would hate to fall out now due to injury. 

I will be thinking about you all out there racing this summer as I grind out the treadmill and gym work. See you soon! 



  1. Just read your recent posts. Hang in there and be patient. You will recover and be back on the track.


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