Don't Jinx it!!

You know what I mean.  Run your mouth and then regret it a week later.  Well, I am going to run my mouth.  I have not had any real health or injury issues to deal with for several weeks. There I said it, my foot will probably break on Friday.   Looking at my training since the Tennessee State Finals, I have done less sessions but with more intensity.  I have been taking  2 or 3 day a week off to rest, and I don't do hard days back to back like I did in the past.    And I think I have the upper hand on the 'over training' that is too easy to do and I have definitely been quilty of in the past,  sports hernia and plantar fasciitis are evident of such.   My speed is actually getting better.  Kentucky will let me know in 4 weeks.

Today I had a chance to get to the gym to do some of the weird stuff I do. I did some shoulder work and also kicks.  My upper thigh was the only sore sport from yesterday.  Yesterday I went to Ravenwood and videoed my starts.  This is a painful process, but you can see what you are screwing up. I did about 20 sets of 95% thru 30 m.   I used two types of dress,  CW compression long pants and the Nike shorts with compression socks.  I have not reviewed the tape, but the times were very similar.  I started in block and ran 10 meters and timed the next 20 meters, to see how fast I was actually moving.  It is impossible for me  to time myself accurately from a block start.  Too much weight on my right hand to make it work.   I did settle on 14 inches from front of block to start line-- cramped but comfortable. 

Tomorrow I will be in Eugene, OR and hope to get on Hayward Field to get in a couple of 200 meter reps. That would be a cheap thrill for an old guy Olympian.   It is also my 8 th anniversery with Linda, we are separated by 3 time zones, but together in spirit.   Skype helps a bunch.


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