Thanks Delta

You only think you can leave Tulsa.    Did the Eagles do a song about never leaving somewhere as well??  Weather was fine in the US!!!  My flight was the one delayed about 3 hours because of...................mechanical problems.   If I seem bitter, I am.   

I made it home Saturday about dark.  Delta Airlines managed to screw me out of a day of my life--I hate getting screwed like that.    I am going back to Tulsa next week--I am flying Southwest Airlines.   I have only been abandoned once by SWA and the weather was really bad as we circled Chicago Midway for an hour and I missed my connection.   Delta has left my hanging on three occasions I believe and each case left a real nasty taste in my mouth.    Their use of the regional jets is a losing proposition.

When I parked this week at the Parking Spot at Nashville Airport, the attendence asked how was my weekend??  I replied " Delta screwed me out of an entire day on Saturday".  And he repied,   " That is pretty common with Delta"    I wish he would have let me known that a couple weeks ago.  Sometimes we learn the hard way--it makes the memory work better and faster.

I did  get in some running this week.  I have had my hiatus for about a week and time to do some work.    I ran at one of my favorites spots in Florence, Alabama.   There is a soccer field near the river that is generally well shaded and cool on the feet.   I ran some 140 yard sprints around dusk right after a hard rain.   It was swishy and actually fun.   I have a set of cross country spikes with 1/2 inch inserts and they work well on turf.   I got to splash around in the water a little and got in a nice work out. 

I did sign up for the District qualifier in September.  If I want to go to the Nationals in 2015, I have to run in this meet.   You gotta plan ahead and read the rules for getting in the show.

This weekend Linda's parents are coming for a visit and I will try to get in some track work a least one day to keep the legs loosened up and ready.   I feel pretty good right now and hope to keep up a medium level of training until the district qualifier.  I just need to finish,  I do not need to beat anyone.  Just finishing is not as easy as you think, I am quite competitive and I will run my ass off as usual.   But I just need to finish each event.  


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