It is time to mark dates on the calendar for next season. The next race on the calendar is an indoor meet in Winston-Salem on January 20. I have started my prep work with weights and some indoor running. My soreness level has definitely increased after taking off several months from racing and running. I have been doing pilates to stay flexible, running about on a week or two on a tread mill, but little else. I did in the meantime finish the bathroom redo and it looks marvelous. That is part of our attempt to start running a bed n breakfast here in Brentwood, TN. We are going to connect this bathroom with a bedroom for a nice little suite. Linda does the cooking and feeds them and we hope it can work out. With the hard work done and living in transition and dust, we will move into the government phase of the project where we get the permits and other paperwork squared away. Even if we cannot get ...