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Showing posts from February, 2019

Indoors in Wisconsin

A couple weeks ago I scheduled a little racing in Racine, Wisconsin at Carthage University field house.  Wisconsin USATF was having an all comers meet and I wanted a final tune up before the USATF Nationals in early March to test my training and get in some live racing.  Linda and I were originally going to fly into Milwaukee on Friday and race on Sunday and fly home on the Monday morning direct flight.   On Saturday we would visit our grand daughter  and on Sunday watch the Super Bowl with the newlyweds in Milwaukee.   A few days before we were going to leave, Linda had an opportunity to baby sit our grand daughter for the following  week and she decided to take Betty and Linsi up on that offer to watch June all week.    We changed our plans around and drove to Milwaukee instead and Linda would have a vehicle all week to get around.  When we left Nashville it was a nice winter day of 50 degrees and pleasant and just a few hours N...