Last weekend was the big indoor meet in Winston-Salem, NC. A great turn out of around 1000 athletes made for some very solid competition and a lot of new world records. I competed for the SoCal track team and we did not win the team competition this meet, as we did in Spokane. Our group was down several competitors due to injuries and various other reason. We had a very small group, but we did manage to score fourth in the team competition and score a lot of gold medals int he process. I already blogged about the people in the meet and this entry will be basically the nuts of bolts of the competition for me. I am 62 this year and right in the middle of my age group and I signed up for the 60, 200, 400 and High Jump and also competed in 2 relays--4 x 200 and 4 x 400. I did not make the 60 finals and ran 7 th in the 400. I ran pretty good in the 400--65.65-- but did not really seem to have any real juice at the end of the 2 l...