Motivation to sit down and create has been limited in the last few months. We are trying to sell our house and I am trying to get my career restarted and neither activity is bearing much fruit. We show the house and we are just not getting the response we need to get it sold and that is frustrating. You need to stage it for each viewing and that does require some work and planning. It reminds me of the movie Ground Hog Day, nothing really gets better, but you are a day older. The career search is constantly ongoing. I have had several phone interviews and along the way, I think there were several jobs that I could handle and do well. Nothing has clicked to date, and I currently have 3 or 4 prospects that are talking to me, but no face to face interviews yet. If I can get in front of them, I like my chances to close the deal.... Getting your career restarted in your sixties is not easy. I had some conflicts this su...