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Showing posts from April, 2020

In Spite of Ourselves

The song writer John Prine died recently of Covid complications.   He had written hundreds of songs about life, fun, folly and pain and was a true blessing to the music world.  He will be missed, but his music lives on in our heads and in our hearts.   Linda was big fan and one of his records was her very first purchase after her college age brother exposed her to John's music while she was in junior high school.   What a great way to start your music collection?   Linda has been to a lot of his shows over the last 25 years and I have enjoyed several as well.  His shows were well produced, everyone in the band wore a  suit on and you really got to hear the music and enjoy the crowd singing along to his lyrics.   They were really good shows.   There will be a big hole in Americana music for a while, no one is going to take his place, he was too big of a talent.    Rest in Peace John Prine.  I have...

Our New World and Welcome to It

The last really bad pandemic was around the time of the First World War.   Since then we have had some minor events as well as polio stalking everyone until the 1960's.   That being said, there are not many left that can relate personally to what we are going through currently.   We are really dependent on doctors and learned health care people for our future well being, with the real overall control in the hands of elected officials.   It appears that many elected officials are taking their roles seriously-- Kentucky and NY Governors are really leading the way.  There are other leaders that believe Trump and support his strategy ( fend for yourself) that is getting a lot more people exposed and dead than is necessary.   This makes for a really crazy world--who can manage this mess the best???  An interesting story that came out last night.  The Federal government is basically stealing the PPE that the states have found ...