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Showing posts from March, 2023

Covid finally ran me down

 It was inevitable, during a pandemic that I would get in the fray with everyone else and I finally did. Linda and I have been amazed that it took this long to get exposed to Covid and actually get sick.  Linda and I have both very diligent on getting our shots and staying out of risky situations. Last Saturday morning I was hot and feeling rather poorly and I tested for Covid and it was positive in 30 seconds.  Time had ran out on my luck and Covid had finally tracked me down and caught me.   Linda is in the medical field and knew of some new Emergency Use Authorization  drugs that were on the market  for treatment of people in my health category of high blood pressure and age.    We set up a urgent care video appointment and the nurse practitioner prescribed the medical treatment Linda was suggesting I do--Paxlovid.  This stuff is free and used under the Emergency Use Authorization rules.  We picked it up at Walgreens an...

Joseph Ford III is a Wonderful Man

 I have blogged for several years and  Joe Ford is a very dedicated viewer of my work and I would see him at various events and he would inquire about my lack of blogs in recent years.    He was quite dogged in his follow ups, so here we go again.   The picture is Joe on his event, the pole vault in Louisville.    Thanks for the reminders  and patience Joe! I think my last post was about Donald Trump being an asshole about losing the election and what he would eventually do, he is a predictable loser.   Lets talk about something positive.     I have moved to Brookfield, Wisconsin since my last entry and we will be here for a long time.  I have retired and may work some part time in the future,  but currently I am not doing anything that makes us money.   We have three kids and a grand baby in the area and they are why we moved here, plus Wisconsin does not levy state taxes on my social security....