As you get older, you understand the aging process from first hand knowledge, your body lets you know you are aging through its queues and hints. Sometimes it is subtle and other times it is sudden. On April 4, 2024 I received a queue from my body concerning my back. I had severe pain in my right leg and lost about half of the strength and function in the leg--just like a door had shut. Bam! I could not really walk, had a miserable time getting comfortable and could not sleep worth a damn. Life had changed very suddenly for me. The message was delivered on a Friday and I got to my chiro-- a Cox Technique Chiro- on Monday and he started the procedure to decompress my L 4 vertebra which had a disk that had collapsed and was pinching a nerve causing the loss of muscle control and strength in my right outer leg. Inner leg was good, as was my left leg. I also have nerve related feelings i...