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Showing posts from March, 2013

What's next ?? Locust ?

Linda and I moved into suburbia in December of 2012 and I been amazed at the animal activity.    Recently, the amazement has been more shock and awe.   During the period when we were in the process of closing on our 1880 model house, there was an issue with some critters trying to live under the house.   A local firm was employed by the previous owners to clean out the residents.   They caught a skunk and I think a raccoon or groundhog. Then the crawl space was sealed up to keep the unwanted tenants out.     This was just the beginning and I should have noticed that bigger challenges were coming.     Life was good for a very short period. The past couple of weeks has been a challenge to "not go postal" on the local vermin that daily drive Linda and I nuts.    Let's review the list, which is approaching Noah's.      A first we...

EPIC Newton

  EPIC Treadmill OK, we all have run on treadmills and I had an opportunity yesterday to run on an EPIC treadmill.   Hopefully this will be my last time to run on this antique.   I enclosed a picture to let everyone know that it still had power, but that was about it.   The digits for the time, distance and pace were all broken.   The belt made a very constant and loud hum that caused all passersby to glare in the door at the noise--my Nano was drowned out!!  The speed was regulated by pushing  a button that were listed in MPH, but the speed read out --which did work, was in KPH.   OK, I understand both units, but it took some figuring to be correct.  I did figure out that the display in the top middle was a quarter mile lap around the track.   It was kinda correct , but a little iffy on accuracy.   EPIC had the start and finish line at the 50 yard line of the football field, ...

Which pocket does this fit??

During my frequent travels I rent cars almost weekly.  I get to drive some nice vehicles and some marginal at best "midsize" sedans.    It seems that the upper midwest has the worst car selection.   But, they all have something in common and that is the mess of keys they give you when you pick up the car.   I added this picture of the latest 'mess' I recieved when I picked up a Toyota Sienna mini van.   There are 3 keys including the valet, 2 fobs and the tag all bound together with 2 black plastic rings.   No way to separate them--one big glob of keys.     So, my question is  "which pocket are these supposed to fit"??     In the winter, you have a pocket in your jacket or coat to put keys, gloves, glasses, phones, etc.   In the warmer months, the jacket is gone and you stick these things where?    If you put them in your pants pocket, they will someho...