When Garrison would talk about winter at Lake Wobegon, he would mention that sometime during January or February, winter would actually try to kill you--cull the herd of the weak and sickly. Boy was he right!! This last week has been a testament to the power of winter--mess with Mother Nature at the wrong time and you are toast, not merely stranded in a major city like Atlanta. How does that happen, by the way?? There are buildings everywhere and you are stranded!! I guess if you have to walk more than a couple of blocks you are stranded. More on this later. I was in Savannah, GA this week and the gloom and doom forecast was going to basically have a global ice shelf covering everything in the area. They were pretty serious. The worst part of the storm was going to strike late at night and we would know the next day if we would go to work or hole up at the hotel. ...