Sometimes you have to just have to shake your head or better yet, listen to your wife basically blow material out her nose when precious gem moments occur. We were going to have a couple over to play some cards, tell stories and eat some Gus's World Famous Chicken last weekend. Since chicken is slow to cook, I ordered ahead-- 2 dozen wings and a pint of cole slaw. Perfect for a party of four. Pretty simple ?? Nope, it was not that easy. I turns out that the chicken place did not have any containers that held a pint of slaw-- just 16 ounces! I repeated this over the phone and Linda overhead it from 20 feet away and something had to have been projected out her nose when she let out some sort of snort. I couldn't laugh or it would have spoiled the moment. I said, just give the 16 ounce container and we would be fine. Whew, got away with that brush with weak math skills. I asked Linda if I did OK by not ...