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Showing posts from April, 2014

Outdoors At Last !!

Finally !!  I finally had a chance to run outdoors and get off the treadmill.   The treadmill work is a great way to get your conditioning in without causing foot injuries or getting dried out by the wind.  When I do my running I typically run with my mouth open--a trice broken nose does not help the situation--and as a result the wind does dry out my mouth and throat and I get pretty raspy.  The treadmill has little air moving so my mouth does not dry out and my voice stays strong.  I will take the weak voice, I finally got to run outside! There is just some sort of freedom to finally get a chance to enjoy the warm air and just have fun running in the grass.   I ran two times in the last couple of days on grass.   Grass sprints are about 100 to 150 meters in length and I get to vary the speed and intensity.  This season,  the ground is very hard already, I am afraid it will be a very dry summer.  I ran in Florence, AL today ...

They Call it Senior for a Reason

It is amazing how things can pile up once you reach the "certain" age, say 55 or so when you are officially a senior. I am actually 57 to set the record staright.   I had my semi annual dental check up about a month ago and knew I had a problem tooth before I arrived.  I could feel a 'hole' in a tooth with my tongue and knew it was not good.  My tongue would not lie about something like that.   After the cleaning, the dentist  took a look and showed me a a picture of  the hole and it was finally time to get my first crown.   So, I am officially a mature adult, I am getting my first crown tomorrow.  I have been lucky to not have one to this point because there is a lot of silver in my big teeth. But last weekend, the senioritis, not like in last month of high school or college, hit in a big way.  When I returned from Miami I had a lot of drainage into my throat and then a cough developed.  I take a really strong allergy medici...