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They Call it Senior for a Reason

It is amazing how things can pile up once you reach the "certain" age, say 55 or so when you are officially a senior. I am actually 57 to set the record staright.   I had my semi annual dental check up about a month ago and knew I had a problem tooth before I arrived.  I could feel a 'hole' in a tooth with my tongue and knew it was not good.  My tongue would not lie about something like that.   After the cleaning, the dentist  took a look and showed me a a picture of  the hole and it was finally time to get my first crown.   So, I am officially a mature adult, I am getting my first crown tomorrow.  I have been lucky to not have one to this point because there is a lot of silver in my big teeth.

But last weekend, the senioritis, not like in last month of high school or college, hit in a big way.  When I returned from Miami I had a lot of drainage into my throat and then a cough developed.  I take a really strong allergy medicine every day and it dries up everything, and when I get a drippy nose it is a problem.   The cough got worse and I went to the doctor on Saturday and got checked.  It was not walking pneumonia, but it was going to be in a day or two. I have a history of walking pneumonia.   I got the meds and started to feel better and was basically cleared up by Wednesday.   But it gets better.  Sunday, was just adding insult to injury.   I was on the mend with the antibiotic and decided to do a little crack filling in the kitchen.  A piece of trim was missing from the kitchen exposing some cracks under the wall and I thought I would fill it with caulk to slow down the ants.   I was almost finished when my back decided that it would jump out of joint!!  This had never happened before without some external force and I knew it as soon as it happened.   It had got it out of joint in a little bicycle accident where I tried to jump a curb and missed.  It took about a week to recover from that deal.  This episode was out of nowhere. 

I stood up as quickly as I could and Linda asked if I was OK and I told her my back was out of socket at the hips.  Linda got me a yoga mat and I stretched the best I could and it helped, but I was bent over really bad and it hurt.   Tooth, back, and lungs--yes I am aging and this part of deal sucks. I don't need reminded this frequently!!

I heated the back and also tried some ice as well,  to help and finally I heard what sounded like a bowling ball bounce off the floor and the back was partially back in socket as I was stretching.  Almost got it back, but the pain was still hard to tolerate.  The cough medicine from the doctor helped to relax the back and sleep.    I went to my massage therapist on Monday and he helped some, but it was still not back to normal.   I was lying my side in my hotel bed on Tuesday trying to relax and I heard the second bowling ball hit the floor as I rolled over and the back was back in.  Whew!!!  I had some soreness from the muscles getting stretched, but it was healing.  People ask about the healing and I tell them it improves 50% every day.   Give it 10 days and all is forgotten.  But man can it crank you up with pain in the meantime. 

OK, OK, I admit it that I am a senior and should expect some problems, but this was a little more than I bargained for.  I did not do much in terms of exercise since my return from Miami. This week I head West and will not have time to do anything on the trip.   So this weekend or next, I need to get some aerobic stuff going again, I would love to run outdoors.  It is time for fresh air again. 


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