Linda picked some of our sunflowers and set them up in her little vase that greets anyone entering our back door. I kinda looks like a Dr. Suess scene of happy little flowers singing a song of joy. Everybody has their hot buttons and other environmental influences that from time to time can cause distress. One of my worst causes of stress is being unsure and not knowing what sort of outcome is expected in a certain situation. I had exhibited this behavior since high school. For example, when I was in athletics, before each meet or game I was a total wreck in the locker room or just prior to the races because the race or games were up for grabs. Would I be able to perform or just stink the joint up? Self doubt was ridiculous. I would go the bathroom 5 times in 30 minutes and of course nothing happened of any consequence, but I would get that wound up over competition. I am g...