Flying home today we had an oil leak of some sort in St
Louis on the SWA plane I had just loaded.
We had boarded the plane and were basically ready to hit the switch and
leave for Nashville. There was an eerie
lack of activity from the crew after we loaded, and then some pounding underneath the
plane—and shortly thereafter the announcement to deplane. There was on oil spot that someone had
noticed on the tarmac. I will give the people from the Midwest a huge
amount of credit, no moaning, groaning, bitching and the expected outbursts you
could expect as we unloaded. Midwesterners take this
crap is stride. We got up, grabbed our stuff and shuffled off the
plane. In the Eastern US, where
everyone is infinitely more important, the reaction would have been chaos and
some uproar. Not the Midwest. The Midwest gets over looked on the news constantly, while living thru hot summers, tornadoes,
floods and bitter winters. God bless the Midwest, he blessed us with a lot of
patience for imperfection.
Along this line of thinking, if you do complain and moan and
whine—that behavior indicates that you are perfect. The person whom never lost anything, broke a nail, bumped your head, fell downs some
stairs, fell up stairs ( one of my favorites) bled on anything, screwed up at
work, got fired…. You get the idea. So Midwesterners are not perfect by a long
shot, but we can handle a broken plane with some level of sophistication. And for that,
we can be proud.
And another thing:
I travel a lot and always check luggage. I see absolutely no reason to drag—yes
drag—your luggage with you in the airport.
SWA will take care of it for free, what else do you want?? This recent plane deal was an example, drag
it on, stow it, drag it off, watch it and drag it around with you to eat and go
potty. Drag it back on with you and stow
it. Drag it thru your final airport, it
is exhausting and pointless. Let the
pros pack it the plane and drag it around for you. It amazes me every time I fly, they drag
this stuff on the plane… A SWA flight
attendant on one occasion gave this group a pretty good tongue lashing over
dragging all this stuff on the plane. He
was spot on and then he suggested that Macy’s and Target had everything they
needed when they arrived, and that should try that option instead. Hear Hear !!
I did run this week on a treadmill. I ran 1600 meters without stopping at 8.5
minute pace. I felt good and hopefully
the back pain is gone for good. My feet
felt fine, so I may need to start dabbling a little in some conditioning before
the weather goes completely winter. If it is sunny, I will need to get out and
get some on me, this time change is a shock to the system—getting sunlight is a
lot harder to achieve.
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