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Showing posts from March, 2015

March in Massachusetts

The last time I was this cold was in January 2014 when it was too cold to deer hunt in Ohio, and too cold to hunt is dangerous cold.  Today in MA it was 27 and windy.  Beautiful sun shine, but cold enough to kill you if you were not looking--just like in Minnesota.   Wow!  I do not miss any of this crap.   Snow is still stacked up everywhere and melts some during the day and then freezes again in the evening and makes for some really slick new ice daily.  It is March and still way to cold to go outside and enjoy.    Linda sent me a picture of our first daffodil bloom, that is March weather in my opinion,  enough said. I am in Massachusetts for a visit to my new home office-- I now work for Kadant, based in Auburn, MA. I just got my new computer--on which this blog is being written and will get an iPad  as well.  I am loading my data and short cuts on the new machine slowly but surely.  I will take a few days to...

The Switch is on

New phone number this week--I do not recommend this to anyone that does not have at least 12 hours to hover and update the dozens of places your phone number is used and/or required.   Whew!  You will need both phones to be active to get everything actually completed.  I got most of important ones done, but some places you do not use on a regular basis are a mystery on how to make the change.   Next week, it will be a new computer and all the nuances that go with that process.  "They" whoever they may be, claim that some change in your life is a good thing to stimulate growth and all that crap.  Could be , but "they" can come over and work through the computer conversion next week.  I need a massage.. I finished up with Buckman this week and started to get some tools for my new role at Kadant.  The phone and new employee packet were two days late due to the ice and snow that was dumped on us last week.  I am in full transition mode of payro...