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Showing posts from May, 2015


   This picture is of Lady Liberty at the New York New York resort across the street from my hotel, the Tropicana.  A great symbol for the Memorial Day Holiday coming up.   I was in Las Vegas this week for a sales call at a local tissue mill.  Yes,  they have a tissue  manufacturing plant in North Vegas!  I am 58 years old and this was my first trip to Vegas.  I had been to the airport numerous times, but never left the secure areas, so that does not count.   By the way, as I left the secure area to get my bag, there was an interesting sign overhead coming down the escalator.   Two words and two arrows.   Baggage to left, liquor to the right.   Pretty simple I think.  The bars do not close, neither do the carry out stores, restaurants, casinos, etc.  Around the clock action--that is Vegas.   I had never had any interest in going to Vegas, but I made ...

Summertime Feet

I am not including pictures for this post because of the fear of reprisal.   Wintertime feet are nice and clean and soft because they are always in nice socks and boots or shoes.   But summertime feet for those of us who garden and wear flip flops all summer, are dirty and dusty with the always present dirty ring around the toe nails.   The toes are always dirty and even when you scrub like no tomorrow, they still have the little residue around the nails.  I guess this is the price I pay for wearing flip flops all summer.   I really do not help me case since I run the tiller and garden  with flip flops are well    I have been doing  some roof work recently and I wear an old pair of running shoes so I can maximize the traction while on the metal.   As with any job I do at home, I will get distracted by  the garden and end up with a tiller in my hands or the hoe for a few minutes during a...

It's Summer Already

We blinked and it turned into summer.  Garden is coming up, grass is getting dry and needs watered and the weather is nice and hot.  Great time of the year to be outside and enjoying it.  I have finished the high work on the roofing project for the front porch.  I am glad that is done because of the heat. As it got warmer , it was really tough to work on the new shiny metal roof--dehydration was pretty rapid.   So, the roof is finished, gutter installed and I can now work on the lower stuff that I can do in the rain or shade.  I need to rebuild the support columns and deco P's as I call them.   Our paint colors are selected and we will get on with the painting of the porch as the pieces are repaired and replaced.  It should pretty classy when done.  I looked like it was going to fall in earlier this year.   One of the previous owners of the house stopped by last weekend and wanted to admire our work.  He was imp...