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Summertime Feet

I am not including pictures for this post because of the fear of reprisal.   Wintertime feet are nice and clean and soft because they are always in nice socks and boots or shoes.   But summertime feet for those of us who garden and wear flip flops all summer, are dirty and dusty with the always present dirty ring around the toe nails.   The toes are always dirty and even when you scrub like no tomorrow, they still have the little residue around the nails.  I guess this is the price I pay for wearing flip flops all summer.   I really do not help me case since I run the tiller and garden  with flip flops are well

   I have been doing  some roof work recently and I wear an old pair of running shoes so I can maximize the traction while on the metal.   As with any job I do at home, I will get distracted by  the garden and end up with a tiller in my hands or the hoe for a few minutes during a break.    Even with running shoes, you get the ugly summertime feet.  The mesh material just allows the finer material to filter thru and you still get dirty feet. So it goes, get the hose ready or head for the creek.

Linda and got to see the Prairie Home Companion radio show at the Ryman last night.  What a treasure !  We have seen the show 3 times at the Ryman and she has seen it multiple times at various sites, it is such fun and it about the best two hour show you will ever get to see.  Great writing and production, wonderful music and it has been going on for over 50 years.  The genesis of the PHC was the Grand Ole Opry at the Ryman when Garrison came for a visit in 1972.  He could not get in because it was sold out, but watched and listened thru the windows (it was the days before AC) and he was hooked. He wondered if he could something similar and he has!! He has created one of the best weekly show anywhere and when he hangs it up, we will lose a real American treasure.

I have to brag a little, but I have been furiously trying to get a patch of yard to grow and the local mole population have insisted they get to help.  Their help is really unwanted in my newly seeded area, but they insist.  This week, I finally got one cornered with the garden hose and after about 15 minutes of water in the hole, it came out looking for air.  It made it a few feet and I made sure the shovel hit the mark.  I was so proud!   Next day--another mole in the same spot.  Boy was I aggravated.  I tried the hose again but to no avail.   I will work on him next weekend, hopefully he gets careless like his predecessor.    I also tried some of the mole baits early in week that are formed to look like earth worms.  I lost my patience with their lack of effectiveness and moved on to the hose.  The baits look exactly like the Creepy Crawlers  that we used to make many decades ago.   You would pour some liquid into a mold, cook it, and pull out a spider, snake, etc.  I was a fan of the purple spiders, but they always looked like beetles, because you just would tear off all the legs getting the thing out of the mold.  Creepy Crawlers were doomed because of the leg issue.  Now if ZI can doom the moles as well.

My first competition will be Saturday May 23 at a local high school track.  Fleet Feet who is the premier running shoe supplier in the area is doing a fund raiser with some track events.  So I am signed up and will see what times I can run in the sprints.  So, I now have something to shoot for and hopefully I can get free the week to do some running on the track.    It is hot enough, no excuses left.

Happy Mothers Day to all !!


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