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Showing posts from September, 2015

Air Disasters

One of my favorite shows is called Air Disasters which is on the Smithsonian Channel every week.  They do a full hour recreation of airline crashes where every body dies or really close misses where everybody is OK.   They have all types of planes globally doing bad things on the show.   The show also does a brilliant job of solving why the  disaster occurred.   Yesterday, Linda and I had  a shot at a starring role!   We were flying from Nashville to Marquette, MI via a stop in Detroit on Delta.   I know I have bitched about Delta in the past, but this was a great plan to save a lot of time and the tickets were frequent fliers points, so they were cheap.  We flew on an MD 88 to Detroit and had a couple hours to get some lunch and stretch out a little.  We worked our way to our gate and about 30 minutes prior to loading, the first excuse was offered.  Crew is here, no plane.  Over the next hour, no plane.  It was an RJR j...


Setbacks are part of life and we generally have no choice but to accept them in style.  I was in Wisconsin this week presenting some material to a large group of tissue makers.  Normally, you are subjected to hotel food and eating in groups.    I try as much as I can to be strict on my diet due to my garlic allergy and restrictions from gout when traveling.  I must have either goofed up or had something slip by, but I got a major case of food poisoning Monday night.  As I get older, the food poisoning symptoms and reaction becomes more severe and lingers much longer.   I got sick--the messy part- Monday night late and was finished with that deal by Tuesday morning.  But all day Tuesday and into Wednesday my body was trashed.  Tuesday was stay in bed basically all day.  I did leave the hotel twice for visits to the local store for some food and liquids.  Getting out of bed and to the car was a major task and quite le...

Bucket List

Linda and I came up with a bucket list a few years back and this week we crossed off the Ford Thunderbird entry.   Since Linda was old enough to date she was a fan of the Thunderbird, and had always dreamed of owning one.  This last week we did some Tbird shopping and drove three different Tbirds and really liked a 2004 that Waltrip had just gotten on the lot.  A couple of emails to the insurance people, and a trip to the credit union and we were set.  I was a fan of the 2004, over the two  2002 cars we also drove, because of the special wheels on the 50 th anniversery edition and it had a select shift tranny.  The select shift is huge advantage in the hills around this part of the world.  The normal wheel is a 7 spoke chrome spoke wheel, but this smaller spoke I think looks more sophisticated  and stays cleaner.  We have taken a couple of nice rides with the top down and it is a lot of fun. ...