
Setbacks are part of life and we generally have no choice but to accept them in style.  I was in Wisconsin this week presenting some material to a large group of tissue makers.  Normally, you are subjected to hotel food and eating in groups.    I try as much as I can to be strict on my diet due to my garlic allergy and restrictions from gout when traveling.  I must have either goofed up or had something slip by, but I got a major case of food poisoning Monday night. 

As I get older, the food poisoning symptoms and reaction becomes more severe and lingers much longer.   I got sick--the messy part- Monday night late and was finished with that deal by Tuesday morning.  But all day Tuesday and into Wednesday my body was trashed.  Tuesday was stay in bed basically all day.  I did leave the hotel twice for visits to the local store for some food and liquids.  Getting out of bed and to the car was a major task and quite lengthy.  I was not aware I could actually move that slowly.  My breathing was very shallow--that part is going to be my end one day--and my energy was about as close to zero as humanly possible.  The pain was not huge, but I was not able to lie  on one spot of  my body  for more than a couple of minutes.  So I was constantly just churning on the bed--it was a really long day.   I did sleep a little better on Tuesday night and Wednesday was "go home" day.  My energy was better and the pain was under control, but mentally I was just "out to lunch".  Today is Friday and mentally I am 90% and physically 80% healed.  But I do not need to do that again.   I think my diet will eventually be cereal, fruit, chicken, some veggies, yogurt, eggs and salad as I age. Oh, and jello and tapioca pudding.  Nothing else.  It is getting there quicker than I want.

What was the culprit??  I wish I knew.   My boss indicated I was the only one at dinner (16 people) that had the walleye.  I thought it was the cheesy potato soup I had for lunch.  It could have been both in a little double whammy action.   Who knows.....

I had plans to run in the Kentucky State Finals this Sunday, but I am cancelling that meet.  I lost way too much energy to be able to run a competitive 400 meters.  Just the way it goes, another little setback.  It will be several more days before I can get back to any training.  Dr. Linda Allen has prescribed rest, I am going to not buck the good doctor. 


  1. Jack. So sorry this happened when you were out of town without the TLC of your amazing wife! Take care and do whatever Linda suggests.

  2. Hi Jack, My name is Kenny Thorpe. I just discovered at 61 that I enjoyed sprinting in the 50, 100, and 200m races at the Sr. games in Pensacola, FL. I'm picking your brain about training in the next 9-10 weeks for Florida State games. I ran on an asphalt track, just jogging shoes, and from a standing start. I need to pick up about a second in the 50m. I have some questions about equipment (saw the Nike shoe review you did - but what do train in?), and training aids. I need to be at 7 sec flat or better for my age group - which I think is possible given I ran a 8.14 with the handicaps above and the fact I've haven't ran a track event since the 9th grade. Any help or tips you can give would be greatly appreciated. My email is I'm a sales agent for Humana here in Pensacola.
    Thanks for the blog, glad I found you and look forward to your information.


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