Oh, if you had not heard, the Foo Fighters were in town last night and Linda purchased tickets last year and they were my Christmas present in 2014. Wow, what a show. I can only think of one that I remember as better and that was the J Geils Band in the late seventies in some small venue near Oxford, Ohio. The energy in the buildings both nights was absolutely incredible. FF played 2 1/2 hours and they were so much fun. They interacted with the audience a lot, and just put on an incredible show. Dave Grohl has a leg in a walking cast from a broken lower leg when he fell off a stage during a show. He stayed on his little 'throne' for the entire show. But he had a lot energy and he has a great rock n roll scream. Nobody got a chance to sit down until the 1 hour and 45 minute mark. That is some energy!!!! If you get a chance to see them, go and enjoy some real rock.
This Saturday, the Greater Nashville District qualifier is being held at Brentwood High school. I will be running in 4 events, just so I can be in the show for the State Finals next year. I had intended this race to feature the 200 m for me. I had intentions to run a hard 400 m in Kentucky, but the food poisoning event killed off that plan. I have been snake bit the last month with the food event in Green Bay and last week I managed to get a mild cold, but enough to get me off any real training. For the last month, I have only had a handful of training sessions and that does not lead to any quality times. Tomorrow I am going to get flu shot, so I can hopefully head off any more crash and burn events.
I did work out today and did OK on the treadmill, my wind is still a little weak in comparison to where I was a month ago. I will work a couple more times this week to keep the haze off and hopefully feel strong on Saturday. Times do not really matter here, just make the distance and you make it thru to the state finals. This event is more of a meet and greet with the regular athletes talking about their past season. This is as social as a track meet can be with out serving cookies and punch. I know one 60 to 64 year old was in the World Championships and scored several medals, so we will have to so some visiting.
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