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Showing posts from November, 2015


Today is The Game.  Michigan vs Ohio State with a lot riding on the one.   This is a make or break for either program.   I am a Buckeye and Linda is a Wolverine, so let the fur fly.   And it will!! Last night Linda and I went next door to watch the Raptors return to the state finals in 6A football for the second straight year.   It was a fantastic game.  20-13 was the final. Two great kids on this team are Crews Holts "The Leg" # 97 who kicked a 55 yard field goal last night to tie the score at 13 all and break the back of the Memphis Whitehaven team.  The opponents had a very poor kicker and extra points were a challenge.  His bomb just broke their will from my stand point as an interested fan.  The wind was in his favor on this kick, and I saw him hit a 52 yarder this season, so he has the leg.  I talked to him in the summer and he wanted to go to LSU and kick, I don't see anything stopping that ...

Turkey Trot

Thursday morning I am involved in a 5K at the local mall.  Race starts at 8:00 AM and I think we do a couple of laps around the Cool Springs Mall.  The weather should be decent , mid forties at race time.   I have been doing some pace training at 8:41 per mile pace on the treadmill.   I think I can beat 30 minutes or at least I will give it a shot.   We will see.  I noticed a little twinge in my left heal today while stretching and I am betting that the plantar fascia is coming loose from the heal.  I damaged the right foot PF a couple of years ago and it appears that the left one is following suit.  I will start taping up both feet in the mean time and see if I can head it off before I do any big damage.  I do not feel any pain while running at my 5K pace and I will be resting the next 6 weeks after this race--my annual outage.   Linda and I visited our youngest in Austin, Texas over the weekend and had a gr...

Missed Ya

I have been slacking on my blogging lately.   But things are still happening and I still have things to say.   As far as the running world, I have been working on new stuff--which I do every year.  But I have signed up for a 5 K on Thanksgiving morning at the Cool Springs Mall, and have been training with that in mind.   My goal has always been breaking 30 minutes, and that goal is still in place.   I have been doing some interesting training as of late-- strength and distance combination.   I have been doing a lot more weight work on the upper body and legs and doing slower speed running on the treadmill and asphalt.  No speed work at all.   I will do legs two or three days in a row which really makes them quite sore and unresponsive.  But in a day or two the power is there as is endurance.  So, whatever is happening is a good thing.   I can run a long time at a 9 minute mill pace on a trea...