On Christmas morning, Mother Nature gave everything, including Santa a good wash down. Around 4:00 AM it was raining about as hard as water could fall from the sky!! Our idyllic little creek came up in a flash and covered our entire meadow with water. It also took care of all the leaf residue, imagine that, the rain water washed my leaves away! A couple hours later, the creek was back to near normal levels. These water levels were the highest since the May 2010 mess.
I enjoyed Christmas in Brentwood with all the kids and Linda. We were missing Betty's wife, she had to work in Milwaukee during the Christmas weekend. But all the kids and two girlfriends also made it a house full. We opened a lot of presents and had some yummy treats... It was a fun Christmas for me, for sure.
Linda and I did travel to Ohio the Monday and Tuesday after Christmas to hang with some friends while I deer hunted for two days. There is an extra two day season for shotguns in Ohio that would be my chance to hunt this season. I did (probably)bag a doe on the second day. I was with two others, standing in a hay field, waiting for the standers to get into position and another hunter close by jumped up a doe. She came walking up through the hay field, saw us, panicked and took off. We had a short distance to get a shot while she was in the clear. Two of us shot at the same time and she was down. The deer was about 40 yards away and had started to accelerate to full speed when we shot. I know I was working on my lead when I pulled the trigger, and she was shot in the head! I think it was my shot, but it there is not way to be certain. None the less, we had some really nice venison out of the deal. Plus we did not have to chase anything down after being wounded.
Later in the hunt I must have eaten something with garlic or another seasoning that I got blind sided. I had my garlic attack and was up most of the night cleaning out the stomach. It was not as severe as Green Bay, but I still evacuated the GI tract and we needed to drive home the next day. I drank some Gatorade and started to get some yogurt down and we were down the road to Brentwood. As, I said it was not as bad as some previous, but I need to find a way to avoid these situations with garlic, etc.
Today I went to gym for some running, it has been about a week of no hard cardio. I got warmed up and actually had a little race with one of the women trainers at PLF. Hannah ran track in high school or college and she wanted to see if we could have a race. We ran about 90 meters with two turns on an 1/11 mile track. I had her run on the inside and I took the outside--stay in your lanes, it was narrow. It was a lot of fun, I did catch her on the last short 20 meter straight and win by a step. I had enough power to get the advantage off the turn. If she gets another chance, it will be tough, she has quick feet. By the way, I was real relaxed to start and by the end, my heart rate was 100%. Amazing how the intensity of sprinting just maxes out the heart rate in no time!! I followed that up with a 400 meter and a 800 meter thread mill runs. I had a big calorie burn after the sprint!
I was looking at some email on an address I had not looked at all in months and it is the address that any emails generated from replies to this blog are routed. I found some emails replies to me that I did reply, but way to late to be of any use. That is my fault and I have corrected the situation. I can now look at the email address connected to this blog daily. So, if you sent something before and got nothing back , that was my fault, I was not ignoring you, just not looking at the reply. Now if you response to any of the blogs, I can answer any question you have or continue the conversion. The two way street is now open.
Stay Healthy Y'all.
I enjoyed Christmas in Brentwood with all the kids and Linda. We were missing Betty's wife, she had to work in Milwaukee during the Christmas weekend. But all the kids and two girlfriends also made it a house full. We opened a lot of presents and had some yummy treats... It was a fun Christmas for me, for sure.
Linda and I did travel to Ohio the Monday and Tuesday after Christmas to hang with some friends while I deer hunted for two days. There is an extra two day season for shotguns in Ohio that would be my chance to hunt this season. I did (probably)bag a doe on the second day. I was with two others, standing in a hay field, waiting for the standers to get into position and another hunter close by jumped up a doe. She came walking up through the hay field, saw us, panicked and took off. We had a short distance to get a shot while she was in the clear. Two of us shot at the same time and she was down. The deer was about 40 yards away and had started to accelerate to full speed when we shot. I know I was working on my lead when I pulled the trigger, and she was shot in the head! I think it was my shot, but it there is not way to be certain. None the less, we had some really nice venison out of the deal. Plus we did not have to chase anything down after being wounded.
Later in the hunt I must have eaten something with garlic or another seasoning that I got blind sided. I had my garlic attack and was up most of the night cleaning out the stomach. It was not as severe as Green Bay, but I still evacuated the GI tract and we needed to drive home the next day. I drank some Gatorade and started to get some yogurt down and we were down the road to Brentwood. As, I said it was not as bad as some previous, but I need to find a way to avoid these situations with garlic, etc.
Today I went to gym for some running, it has been about a week of no hard cardio. I got warmed up and actually had a little race with one of the women trainers at PLF. Hannah ran track in high school or college and she wanted to see if we could have a race. We ran about 90 meters with two turns on an 1/11 mile track. I had her run on the inside and I took the outside--stay in your lanes, it was narrow. It was a lot of fun, I did catch her on the last short 20 meter straight and win by a step. I had enough power to get the advantage off the turn. If she gets another chance, it will be tough, she has quick feet. By the way, I was real relaxed to start and by the end, my heart rate was 100%. Amazing how the intensity of sprinting just maxes out the heart rate in no time!! I followed that up with a 400 meter and a 800 meter thread mill runs. I had a big calorie burn after the sprint!
I was looking at some email on an address I had not looked at all in months and it is the address that any emails generated from replies to this blog are routed. I found some emails replies to me that I did reply, but way to late to be of any use. That is my fault and I have corrected the situation. I can now look at the email address connected to this blog daily. So, if you sent something before and got nothing back , that was my fault, I was not ignoring you, just not looking at the reply. Now if you response to any of the blogs, I can answer any question you have or continue the conversion. The two way street is now open.
Stay Healthy Y'all.
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