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Showing posts from February, 2016


,, I would explain how I loaded this picture today, but I would be too exhausted to blog.  This shot is from umbrella 63 at the Holiday Inn Resort and Casino in Aruba in the Palm Beach area.    We are spending the week and having a very relaxing stay. This is our first trip to Aruba, and probably not our last.   The weather is very warm with very intense sun and brisk winds all day.  The wind is from your back as you look at the water and ranges from 20 to 40 mph in a rather steady manner.  You must keep your stuff nailed down or it is gone! The wind is a blessing for keeping bugs and mosquitoes away, but it annoying because you cannot leave anything lay around.  The beach is clean and well kept with blue water that is warm enough to swim and cool off.  It also an open beach so there is a steady stream of walkers and running coming by all day.  Something for everyone to watch. The resort is full of East Coast folks with families, couples...


The new dirt auger covered to keep it dry The kitchen remodel project really warmed up the last week.   I ordered a grain auger from the local coop to convey dirt from the crawl space to the yard.   I finally got it installed last weekend and ran some dirt, but it was Valentine's Day and spending it underground was not in my best interests. I does speed up the process immensely, but I still need to figure out how to load it a little slower.  I overheated the 1 HP motor a few times and it will kick out until it cools off, dirt is definitely harder to mover than animal feed.    I also made a trip to Atlanta and made a stop at IKEA to pick up half of the cabinets we need.   Now, I have way more than I can do in several months and we will start chipping away.   We also found a really neat exhaust hood for our stove.  Futuro makes a Mimosa model that is very stylist--Italian of course-that is paintable.  The ...

I am still here

I keep forgetting that people like to read my blog and I have been slacking.  My bad. This 'off season' if you can call it that, I have been doing more long distance running on the treadmill and weights for the legs and upper body. I try to get in some training at least 3 days a week, but no more than 5.  Rest is very important for us old timers.   So far so good.  No real injuries from running. I did have a really sore left hip last week that was self induced.  I wrapped a rope around a very heavy piece of pipe to get it "out of the way" and I moved it OK.  But two days later the top of my hip was really mad and caused me to skip a couple of my running work outs.  Back to normal now.  I ran a mile last night at 8:34 pace on the treadmill and then did some leg weights.  So I think I am healed up. I am staying in pretty good condition and my fitness is good.   I have been slowly inching up the speed on my treadm...