The new dirt auger covered to keep it dry |
One problem related the auger was the lack of a good wiring chart. The motor is 220 volt and I added a very slick switch from the feed to the creek water pump. I got all the wiring done and it took all day to do the wiring of the new outlet and the motor. I get it all set and it will not start. Double checked everything and no luck. The major piece of the motor wiring is a control box that is fitted with a limit switch to stop the motor when the bin is full. That unit is where all the connections for the incoming and feeds to the motor were located.. I brought this piece inside to trouble shoot due to the lousy cold weather. I finally worked through the very simple drawing they had and had to fix two misplaced connections. The diagram did not match what was in the box. One warning lite had no ground, two hots will not make it work. Another feed to the motors was not fed properly. I cannot imagine trying to get this running in some barn with the animals all fired up over getting fed. But after all the changes, it started just fine and we were off and augering away.
I have started to experiment with new gear again this season. I have been searching for some compression wear that is made for running with some style. I finally found some stuff at Skins and have picked up some shorts, calf compression sleeves and a compression top that needs a helper to get on and off. More on them later as I test them out, they look good and fit snug.
I have been picking up my pace with my running and feel great. I am doing nothing longer than 1200 meters on the treadmill now and I am looking for a chance to get outside. Yesterday I ran 1200, then 800, then 400 then a 200 at increasing speeds for each. That was basically the entire workout. Today I leg work and did some dead lifts, clean and jerks and hanging power cleans. Not a lot of reps, but some heavy weights and an incredibly thick sweat. The humidity is back up with all the rain and I have found I feel much stronger and faster in the humid weather. The dry weather, although less dense, is not what my body likes. Hot and humid are my best combinations for running. My stretching is also much better is the humidity....
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