We are right in the middle of the second kitchen remodeling project. Spending money like water and it is going to be really nice when we get finished. I am on the regular list at Home Depot and Lowe's. The top photo is the cabinets (sans doors) in place to make sure everything fits and establishing how much subway tile we need to put on. The second shot is the new tile just hung and waiting for it to dry so we can grout. I have been spending a lot of time getting the plumbing, electrical, ventilation, dry wall and paint ready for the tile and new stove. The red Bertazzoni 6 burner with griddle -dual fuel - will be here in two weeks and I want the place to be ready. I was talking with Linda about the number of kitchen remodels and this is my third major remodel of a kitchen. I have only owned 5 houses!! Enough, next place better have a good set of cabinets and not need a major job, this is not my career--fixing junk kitchens. I am pretty excited about this remodel and Linda is tired of temporary cooking conditions and stuff stored everywhere with the cupboards gone. She has been patient through out and is really good at hanging tile. I hope she is as good with grout--it is a challenge to the that patient.
Training has been limited the last couple of weeks--the weather has been too wet and cool and I have not been traveling. I generally can get some running in while traveling. While at home with the house in chaos, I cannot seem to get out long enough to run some laps. I will be traveling the next few weeks and hopefully get in some miles, although I am heading to some Northern climes.
I think my first race will be organized by Fleet Feet and will be May 21and called the "Nashville Classic". I ran in it last year and enjoyed the event. Last year was the first year for the event. It did have electronic timing and had some really fast talent. So, I will time my speed work for that event and I need 4 to 6 weeks to work on the speed. I gotta get this kitchen work finished so I can do some training and move on with the garden and yard maintenance.
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