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Showing posts from February, 2017

USATF Indoor Nationals

Last weekend I experienced for the first time a USATF National event and had a really good time.  Earlier this year I ran in an indoor USATF event and really enjoyed the meet and also met some interesting people that encouraged my to give the Nationals at shot in Albuquerque.   They were correct about me enjoying the event, it was a lot of fun and the best Masters athletes in the world are there to enjoy.  # 4 bib.  The meet is  in the Convention Center in downtown Albuquerque and the elevation is about 5100 feet at the location.  The thinner air does make for less wind resistance, but recovery is tough for the longer events.  I struggled after my 400 to recovery.   More about that later.  The track is portable and has substantial banking in the curves, which are a fun to negotiate at speed.  It is a quick surface and design. I arrived on Thursday from a call I had made in Canada and did not get on the track until F...

BLOG 200 with some advice sprinkled in

Bicentennial Blog as defined by Linda.   My first blog was 8-6-2012.  I think I have covered a lot of subjects in that time period and will continue to cover the ones that have biggest effect on me.  Well, today that is easy as pie.   I am in LAX or Los Angeles International Airport.  Holy cow is this place nuts!   I flew in Monday on Delta and needed to switched to WestJet for my leg into Vancouver, Canada.  Well, you get to go outside and wander thru a parking garage and then worm your way to the terminal across the way for WestJet.  Security into the International terminal was unlike any I have seen anywhere.  No habla Ingles was the rule.  Basically no one spoke English or knew what was going on.  Just herds of people flowing up steps and into the queue.  PreChek--you don't get no stinking PreChek! Absolutely crazy,  and I know how to navigate this crap.  Chaos at its finest.  ...

Nationals in sight

I am on my way West today for a visit in Vancouver through LAX.   I have been flying since I was 18 years old and have at least 300,000 air miles and I have never been to LAX!    I guess I do not have   any need to go to Southern California.    But today, I will pop in for short visit, eat some lunch and continue on my way to Vancouver.   Right now I am over the Grand Canyon and the clouds are breaking up—one big ditch you got down there.  One the way to Vancouver form LAX, there was a lot of snow in the mountains.  Hopefully the drought conditions will subside this season. I have the Masters Indoor Nationals coming up this weekend in New Mexico and I have been training as hard as I have for any meet. The last two weeks have been really hard.   I ran and went to the gym for 7 days in a row.   I knew I would have some off days when I went Tulsa and that is why I pushed for 7 days in a row.   Typical training is max of 3 d...