My daughter was curious about her ancestry--her Mom was adopted and little is known from that side of the ladder-- and I know a lot about my ancestors. So we both did the DNA testing and my results were finished this last week. I thought I was mostly from the UK and a bit of France, but it was a little different from that. But my ancestry is 37% Great Britain, 29% Scandinavia, 14% Ireland, 9% Greece, Italy, 6% Iberian Peninsula---99% Europe. The Vikings invaded Scotland, Ireland and England and that explains most of the DNA. had some interesting maps that indicated the folks with similar DNA settled a narrow belt from Pittsburgh. PA to Indianapolis, IN. I broke out of this range years ago, but the vast majority of my kin is still in that area. This mapping was interesting info about how the immigration of the US was actually done as the West opened up to the settlers.
I also tested my left calf tonight while in Tulsa. It is real nice today with a 90 degree day and little humidity--just pleasant. I headed to one of favorite tracks and ran several 60 meters and 100 meters at 80-85% speed and felt really good. No calf issues--it felt good and responded to whatever I wanted to try. With the healing complete, I will start looking at a training schedule for the Nashville District meet. I want to high jump this year and the jumping will be the major new thing to work through. It was really fun to get out and just run again. I took off almost 4 weeks and really missed the running. Speaking of running, the World Championships are going on in London and they are getting me jazzed up for next year. Jenny Simpson took silver in the 1500 with a brilliant race and was just as excited as you can be to medal. That is what this International competition is all about-- doing your best and having a great race. She pulled it off-- so did 35 year old Justin Gatlin. I am enjoying the racing, which is very, very entertaining.
Last week I was in Maryland for a funeral. My Dad's brothers wife died. They met in college and were married for 57 years and had two daughters and two grand children. Her health had not been real strong, but she was not expected to die as quickly as she did. Every time I attend a family funeral it really works on me for several days because the generations above are diminishing and I am quickly approaching the top of the ancestry chart. I could in a few years, be on the top line in my family depth chart. You can look at this as a glass half empty or half full...... I try every day to be positive and continue to live life as I think it needs to be done. My Grandma Emma Allen said, " You get one lap at life, you gotta get it all in". I will never forget that advice.
With that advice in tow, I have some life to get lived this year. Linda and I are headed to see June Rosemary in a couple weeks and enjoy her company. We have a horse show in Michigan to enjoy with the Lundins. I have a Grand Canyon Adventure to pull off in November and it goes on. I have a lot of life on my plate and so does Linda. We are going to squeeze in as much living as we can this Winter and continue living life until we are exhausted and then let the next generation carry the life torch. But, right now, I have the torch and I am going to carry it with pride and courage. That courage leads to more adventures and I have a lot of time and energy to squeeze in as many as humanly possible. I am not letting up or stopping anytime soon.....
I also tested my left calf tonight while in Tulsa. It is real nice today with a 90 degree day and little humidity--just pleasant. I headed to one of favorite tracks and ran several 60 meters and 100 meters at 80-85% speed and felt really good. No calf issues--it felt good and responded to whatever I wanted to try. With the healing complete, I will start looking at a training schedule for the Nashville District meet. I want to high jump this year and the jumping will be the major new thing to work through. It was really fun to get out and just run again. I took off almost 4 weeks and really missed the running. Speaking of running, the World Championships are going on in London and they are getting me jazzed up for next year. Jenny Simpson took silver in the 1500 with a brilliant race and was just as excited as you can be to medal. That is what this International competition is all about-- doing your best and having a great race. She pulled it off-- so did 35 year old Justin Gatlin. I am enjoying the racing, which is very, very entertaining.
Last week I was in Maryland for a funeral. My Dad's brothers wife died. They met in college and were married for 57 years and had two daughters and two grand children. Her health had not been real strong, but she was not expected to die as quickly as she did. Every time I attend a family funeral it really works on me for several days because the generations above are diminishing and I am quickly approaching the top of the ancestry chart. I could in a few years, be on the top line in my family depth chart. You can look at this as a glass half empty or half full...... I try every day to be positive and continue to live life as I think it needs to be done. My Grandma Emma Allen said, " You get one lap at life, you gotta get it all in". I will never forget that advice.
With that advice in tow, I have some life to get lived this year. Linda and I are headed to see June Rosemary in a couple weeks and enjoy her company. We have a horse show in Michigan to enjoy with the Lundins. I have a Grand Canyon Adventure to pull off in November and it goes on. I have a lot of life on my plate and so does Linda. We are going to squeeze in as much living as we can this Winter and continue living life until we are exhausted and then let the next generation carry the life torch. But, right now, I have the torch and I am going to carry it with pride and courage. That courage leads to more adventures and I have a lot of time and energy to squeeze in as many as humanly possible. I am not letting up or stopping anytime soon.....
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