Back in Tulsa for another week of work. I am feeling a lot better after my battle with pneumonia. Currently the score is pneumonia 3 or 4 and Jack 0. That stuff is tough and I am thankful to be past the worst and getting some normal life back. I am staying on the Southeast of Tulsa right across from Oral Roberts University--ORU. I wanted to get some running in this week to start the trek back so I can do some racing this summer. I went to my normal track at Memorial High School and they were having a soccer match so that was out. I wandered over to the ORU campus to look around and they have a gorgeous facility that is open to the public. I did some warm up the first evening and ran a little to get some feedback. My body was a bit confused, it has been 4 weeks since I did any running, but I made a couple 200's and called it a night. My breathing was struggli...