Linda and Santa Claus last year went together to get me a driving experience in a Ferrari 458 last week end at the Corvette track in Bowling Green , Kentucky. This gift did not disappoint anyone! This experience is like an amusement park ride, so to speak. You get a 20 minute training session and have a co driver that gives a lot of voice and hand commands on how much brake, turning in and various other instructions to keep you up right and on the asphalt. The track is about two miles in length and has a long main straight and an inner short chute that is almost as fast that are connected by a hairpin, in between is some gnarly off chamber and blind corners that were fun once you figure out where to find the line. This track is basically new which means smooth grippy asphalt! The weather was warm with a storm brewing, so the traction was really good. After the training, I also purchased a ride along in the 'lead car' that paces th...