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Showing posts from July, 2018

Family and 5 miles

Linda and I traveled this  Independence Holiday to Upper Peninsula of Michigan to celebrate with her very large family.   Linda is from Rapid River, but the majority of the action was in Gladstone.  They have a massive parade and also they hold a fund raiser on the 4th with a 2.5 mile walk or a 5 mile run early in the day.   I had agreed earlier in the year to run the 5 miler because of  the death of a family member and we wanted to remember him because he has run this event before.  Jay Thoman was a JAG in the Army and was out for his morning run when he was struck by a car and killed a couple blocks from his house in Washington DC area.  He had no ID and was not identified until later that afternoon.  Just a frantic situation and really hard on all involved.  Part of the family that participated He left a wife and two or three relatively young children behind.   We had some shirts made with his likeness and tried our ...

Mental Race Prep

State Record in HJ I wanted to add some thoughts I have on some of recent success in my racing as I have transitioned from Senior Games into the USATF competitions.  The mental side of performance is the where the difference really   exists between participants.   The mental strength in the last two seasons of racing is where I have began to excel.   Sounds a little boastful by all midwestern standards of decorum.   It is not that I am talking trash, just making the results… pretty simple.   Do you want to excel and do you have the mind set to perform?   Can your body delivery when you make the call? These are questions we handle in many situations during life and in particular competitions.    Physical prep is also important,  but I have seen really good athletes just fail because their minds were not right--it happens every week in college and pro football.    5 Golds in 5 Events   Early this season...