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Showing posts from January, 2019

The Beach and some racing !

A couple of weeks ago I had a 3 day business meeting in Port Saint Lucie, Florida. The area is on the Atlantic side about half way between Daytona and Fort Lauderdale and we had access to Jenson Beach with a 15 minute drive!   I love running on the beach.  I get to look at the stride length and see how well my stride is doing and check  evenness  from side to side.  Some may think this is anal retentive--it is-but it is helpful to gain some knowledge on your body reacts to the running motion and uneven surfaces...sand.    I worked on some starts to see how my step length was changing and it does take about 15 meters to get completely stretched out and full stride.   I did four starts in a 50 meters stretch of hard sand and in each attempt the steps were identical.   The last one was a little different, but I was getting tired and it showed with a half step shorter at the end.  The body lets you know how much...

Holiday Days and more

Linda and I traveled to Chicago for Christmas and visited our oldest and his girlfriend and after two nights in the windy City we got to visit our wonderful grand daughter --June. We dined on Beef Wellington on Christmas- a first for me and enjoyed it thoroughly.   The highlight of the trip was visiting June at her house.   She had been at Grandma's for a couple of days and had been through  a lot of Christmas already.   But, she rose the occasion and helped us celebrate it one more time.    Linda and I gave the family a karaoke machine for a present and that was a cool gift.  After loading several Disney songs and some of Betty and Linda's favorites on the machine, off they went.   June was just mesmerized by the entire scene and was right up front watching the show.    She loves music and eventually will be putting on her own show in a year or two.   I have a picture on my phone of Ju...