Linda and I traveled to Chicago for Christmas and visited our oldest and his girlfriend and after two nights in the windy City we got to visit our wonderful grand daughter --June. We dined on Beef Wellington on Christmas- a first for me and enjoyed it thoroughly.
The highlight of the trip was visiting June at her house. She had been at Grandma's for a couple of days and had been through a lot of Christmas already. But, she rose the occasion and helped us celebrate it one more time. Linda and I gave the family a karaoke machine for a present and that was a cool gift. After loading several Disney songs and some of Betty and Linda's favorites on the machine, off they went. June was just mesmerized by the entire scene and was right up front watching the show. She loves music and eventually will be putting on her own show in a year or two. I have a picture on my phone of June in the middle of the action, but we are doing some security changes at work and I cannot email anything from the phone until next week.
I am working on training for two events in in the next month. The SE USATF regional meet is in Winston Salem on January 20 and I wanted one more warm up before the National Indoors, so I am going to Kenosha, WI on Super Bowl Sunday to run in a small meet. That meet will be 3 running events and the high jump. It also the birthday weekend for Linda and we will visit June again and also visit the newlyweds--Adam and Audra. They were in Vegas during Christmas and had a great time in the desert. That will be a full weekend for both of us.
Training is going well, I am getting in some indoor running and weight work. I feel pretty good and do not have any real injuries to speak of. I did run last week outdoors when it was 65 and sunny and that was just too much fun. Next week I have a meeting in Florida on the Atlantic coast and I want to run on the beach if the weather permits. I enjoy getting in some beach sprints and making sure my stride length and gate are at their best.
The highlight of the trip was visiting June at her house. She had been at Grandma's for a couple of days and had been through a lot of Christmas already. But, she rose the occasion and helped us celebrate it one more time. Linda and I gave the family a karaoke machine for a present and that was a cool gift. After loading several Disney songs and some of Betty and Linda's favorites on the machine, off they went. June was just mesmerized by the entire scene and was right up front watching the show. She loves music and eventually will be putting on her own show in a year or two. I have a picture on my phone of June in the middle of the action, but we are doing some security changes at work and I cannot email anything from the phone until next week.
I am working on training for two events in in the next month. The SE USATF regional meet is in Winston Salem on January 20 and I wanted one more warm up before the National Indoors, so I am going to Kenosha, WI on Super Bowl Sunday to run in a small meet. That meet will be 3 running events and the high jump. It also the birthday weekend for Linda and we will visit June again and also visit the newlyweds--Adam and Audra. They were in Vegas during Christmas and had a great time in the desert. That will be a full weekend for both of us.
Training is going well, I am getting in some indoor running and weight work. I feel pretty good and do not have any real injuries to speak of. I did run last week outdoors when it was 65 and sunny and that was just too much fun. Next week I have a meeting in Florida on the Atlantic coast and I want to run on the beach if the weather permits. I enjoy getting in some beach sprints and making sure my stride length and gate are at their best.
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ReplyDeleteIt was a GREAT Christmas! One of the best ever!