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Showing posts from April, 2019

Still Thinking

I am still working on getting some full time work.   I have an interview this week with a chemical company and I may get back into the chemistry end of the tissue business.    But on to more important things.   June is coming to town.  Our grand daughter is coming for a two week stay and the Fly Away Farm is going to be a busy place with a 2 year old holding sway over the operations. Linda and I are excited for the opportunity to have June stay for about 10 days and enjoy some nice weather.  I am in Milwaukee today and it is gloomy and I am being positive!  Ick.   This will be a trip back in time for us with a new set of aches and pains to remind that old people do not need kids full time.  We went to down town Nashville before the draft party started--we were there Wednesday night--and checked out the venue.  I also went back down on Sunday near the 6 and and 7 rounds to check out the humanity again.  Nashvi...

Time to Think

I was working on some minor little thing on the phone today and came to a very interesting conclusion--when you are not employed --you have a lot more thinking time.   I was laid off about 10 days ago from my Tissue Specialist role with Kadant Solutions.   It was an amicable break-up, they just eliminated my job and that was it for me.  It was harder on my boss to tell me the news than for me to receive it.   I knew it was coming from the phone the call the previous day.  I have been fired before, so I knew all the language and posturing that happens.  I had 4 great years in that role and off to new adventures in the tissue business. The extra thinking time is due to the fact your mind is not consumed with the mass of little details and innuendo that comes with a full-time job.   You are always on the alert for changing travel arrangements, meeting appointments, getting scheduled work completed, expenses, plane reservations, email...