I was working on some minor little thing on the phone today and came to a very interesting conclusion--when you are not employed --you have a lot more thinking time. I was laid off about 10 days ago from my Tissue Specialist role with Kadant Solutions. It was an amicable break-up, they just eliminated my job and that was it for me. It was harder on my boss to tell me the news than for me to receive it. I knew it was coming from the phone the call the previous day. I have been fired before, so I knew all the language and posturing that happens. I had 4 great years in that role and off to new adventures in the tissue business.
The extra thinking time is due to the fact your mind is not consumed with the mass of little details and innuendo that comes with a full-time job. You are always on the alert for changing travel arrangements, meeting appointments, getting scheduled work completed, expenses, plane reservations, emails............. This week, absolutely none of that stuff happened. I am working with two headhunters which are really like agents that supply talent in the paper making business. They know all the players and will float my resume around the business and see if anything happens. I meanwhile have been looking at company web sites and working through the jobs that fit my skill set. I applied for three interesting jobs today that will allow me to use my experiences to solve tissue making problems. I will continue to search daily and see what is available.
As we roll into the summer and the outdoor racing season comes into full swing, my status for racing is really up in the air. I have more time now to train on a daily basis and I am. But, getting settled into a new job and getting to the 3 and 4 day meets will be a real challenge to make happen. I will play all that by ear.
I have been training on the track by running longer sprints with more 300 meter repeats showing up in the menu. I have also started to walk for an hour in the mornings now and those are to control my weight and burn off some energy. It is also time to think--believe it or not--more of thinking time! I may get some foreign language on my phone and work on Spanish or French or something in my walkabouts.
I should be in about the best shape I have been in a long time this summer, that is my plan now. Who knows about tomorrow or the next day.
The extra thinking time is due to the fact your mind is not consumed with the mass of little details and innuendo that comes with a full-time job. You are always on the alert for changing travel arrangements, meeting appointments, getting scheduled work completed, expenses, plane reservations, emails............. This week, absolutely none of that stuff happened. I am working with two headhunters which are really like agents that supply talent in the paper making business. They know all the players and will float my resume around the business and see if anything happens. I meanwhile have been looking at company web sites and working through the jobs that fit my skill set. I applied for three interesting jobs today that will allow me to use my experiences to solve tissue making problems. I will continue to search daily and see what is available.
As we roll into the summer and the outdoor racing season comes into full swing, my status for racing is really up in the air. I have more time now to train on a daily basis and I am. But, getting settled into a new job and getting to the 3 and 4 day meets will be a real challenge to make happen. I will play all that by ear.
I have been training on the track by running longer sprints with more 300 meter repeats showing up in the menu. I have also started to walk for an hour in the mornings now and those are to control my weight and burn off some energy. It is also time to think--believe it or not--more of thinking time! I may get some foreign language on my phone and work on Spanish or French or something in my walkabouts.
I should be in about the best shape I have been in a long time this summer, that is my plan now. Who knows about tomorrow or the next day.
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