After what seems like months of counting, the Presidential race has been decided. Biden is the new man, unless you are Donald Trump and his minions. They think the race has been won by them and with some shady lawyering, they will get to stay in the White House--no chance. They are operating like they live in a dictatorship and their wish is everyone's command and that is just not the case. Bully away all you want, you lost a clean fight. It was basically a knock out and the smelling salts are not going to save you for another round. What happens next?? Thousands of people will get sick and die from Covid as the lame duck Donald plays golf, yells at his lawyers and staff, fires more staffers and hires the yes people he so loves. It will be a useless parade of the soon to be fired, getting their 5 minutes of glory in DC. And the entire time, the states will certify their vote count and the Ele...