Covid is not as simple as you may think to shake. My last blog had me recovering quickly from my Covid exposure. With Paxlovid, there is a very high chance of a rebound or reinfection and that is precisely what happened to me. I tested clean , for 48 hours, and then got the crap again two days later. Not as severe, but some fever and general tiredness. I had another doctor appointment via the computer and got a script for a steriod and some really bad advice from a Nurse Practioner. She claimed I was safe to be out in public even though I was testing positive. Wrong, just bad advice. I stayed home for another 10 days and part way through this period Linda got the covid from me! I was told I was not contagious, wrong again. Just a lovely husband thing to do. She did not us Paxlovid, she had another script that cleaned her up in about two weeks. But this Covid crap has been a very long slog. Hopefully good bye at this point.
My daughter talked me into a 5 K next Saturday in Milwaukee. I do one a year to remind myself, that I am not an endurance runner. This will be the 2023 reminder event. I have only been back to any sort of training for the last week due to covid and being shut up at home. But yesterday, I ran a 5 aK on the gym treadmill in less than 32 minutes. That might be my limit. I have a Polar running watch and the software that analyzes your training showed I was basically limited out on effort and heart rate information. I have always had a target of breaking 30 minutes, that target may need to get adjusted this trip. I am working hard with one week to go. Distance running is hard painful work.
I did start a new job this week. I retired one year ago this week and I will be working at a local gym doing the front desk greeting and check ins. It is part time, from 9-2 PM, 3 or 4 days per week. I will use the money to pay for my travels during my USATF racing and the Senior Games as well. I will do the Nationals for the Senior Games and USATF this summer. Both meets are in July, one in Pittsburgh and the other is in the Carlinas. Planes, rooms, food all take money to arrange. I applied at several places for part time work-- gyms, shoe stores, delivery drivers, etc. I had one real response, getting work is either luck or having a skill set way different from mine.
On the non racing front, Linda and I will be doing a bucket list type event at Red Rocks in two weeks in the great state of Colorado. We will fly out to see a concert by Jason Isbell. Jason is a Nashville singer song writer that has been a favorite of my wife for a long time. He has been a big fan over the years of John Prine and since John was taken by Covid, Jason is one of my wifes favorites that is still working. I like his stuff as well. Hopefully we get good weather and can have a fun event in the thin air in Colorado. The venue is just SW of Denver. When we lived in Nashville--seems like 20 years ago now--Jason would sell out a week at the Ryman Auditorium and we loved to see him at that venue, hopefully Red Rocks will do him justice.
Things are just a little crazy with the chaos associated with the coronavirus and the global reaction. Talking with my wife and brother, as well as the rest of the world that will still chat with you, nobody can remember anything quite like this situation. The crash into the Twin Towers on 9-11 had some elements of the situation, but the total shutdown of sporting events, meetings, global travel and the run on water, sanitizer and toilet paper is just totally new to us. The Master Indoors meet was cancelled this week, I was not planning on going this year. I am in the middle of relocation from Nashville to Harper Ferry , West Virginia. On March 31 we will close on the Brentwood house and close on the new place on April 2. Getting this into place has been a real battle, but it is going to happen. We are on our third contract for the Brentwood house and after trying to sell it for 9 or 10 months it will close this ...
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