I did kill a deer last week. The last drive of the last day, I killed a doe to get off the skunk list. Over all it was a lot of fun. I did have some other shots at deer but they had the advantage, because they were really hauling ass past me. Still, you gotta try. As our Huntmaster sez: "If you don't shoot, you don't have a chance to get a deer. " It is best if you shoot.
I wore my heart rate monitor on Wednesday last week and had as much easier day with less pushing and more standing or waiting for the deer. That day was only 3003 calories for 10 1/3 hours. All the calorie burn was of the fat burn type. Average heart rate was 94 for the period. So, my overall calorie burn is probably around 4500 a day for the week, which I can maintain with cookies, Conn's Potato chips and PBR beer and other miscellaneous food.
I again had shoe issues and I am serious about getting a shoe company started that builds shoes for the people with bad feet--like me. My feet are narrow and the choices are rather slim for companies that will supply shoes for hunting and hiking. Women's shoe do fit, but they do not make many women's hunting boots that are size 13 or 13.5!!! I have an idea for a design, that would incorporate leather and some modern type fabrics and other internal devices to hold the foot in position to eliminate any rubbing or letting the toes pile up on each other on down hills. This time I had heal rub the size of a silver dollar on the left heel. It was too far gone before I got a chance to get it covered up with KT tape. I finally settled on KT tape on the blister-- skin completely gone-- with my compression racing socks. I eliminated the toe piling as well. I was a real challenge to get dressed in the morning. with the tighttttttt socks over tape.
This week I am in central Kentucky working on a brand new tissue machine start up. It is just like bringing home a baby. Chaos and plenty of work. I am baby sitting the "formula" so to speak--Yankee chemistry which my company sells. They have a lot outside that is about 5 acres of mud that you have to tippy toe thru to get into the mill--quite a mess to avoid.
I wore my heart rate monitor on Wednesday last week and had as much easier day with less pushing and more standing or waiting for the deer. That day was only 3003 calories for 10 1/3 hours. All the calorie burn was of the fat burn type. Average heart rate was 94 for the period. So, my overall calorie burn is probably around 4500 a day for the week, which I can maintain with cookies, Conn's Potato chips and PBR beer and other miscellaneous food.
I again had shoe issues and I am serious about getting a shoe company started that builds shoes for the people with bad feet--like me. My feet are narrow and the choices are rather slim for companies that will supply shoes for hunting and hiking. Women's shoe do fit, but they do not make many women's hunting boots that are size 13 or 13.5!!! I have an idea for a design, that would incorporate leather and some modern type fabrics and other internal devices to hold the foot in position to eliminate any rubbing or letting the toes pile up on each other on down hills. This time I had heal rub the size of a silver dollar on the left heel. It was too far gone before I got a chance to get it covered up with KT tape. I finally settled on KT tape on the blister-- skin completely gone-- with my compression racing socks. I eliminated the toe piling as well. I was a real challenge to get dressed in the morning. with the tighttttttt socks over tape.
This week I am in central Kentucky working on a brand new tissue machine start up. It is just like bringing home a baby. Chaos and plenty of work. I am baby sitting the "formula" so to speak--Yankee chemistry which my company sells. They have a lot outside that is about 5 acres of mud that you have to tippy toe thru to get into the mill--quite a mess to avoid.
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