Every year we go thru it--baking, shopping, sending cards, decorating the house, the tree, moving. Whoa, what about the moving part?? Yea, in the middle of vacation and my busiest work period in years, we moved into our new house in Brentwood. We moved in Dec 10--one of my 3 free days available before Christmas in December to move. Just nuts getting all the work done-- stress level raised way up. Linda has been awesome-- she has not been traveling and took care of the details and a lot of the dirty work--plus she did a lot of packing. 2 Men and a Truck did the heavy work. One note, the lead mover was very good, but his helper was dragging some major league ass late in the day. We had some big stuff that went up the twisted stairs and he was gassed after that part of the move.
We have all the rooms in basic order and the boxes are basically gone. So, we are ready for company. 4 kids show up around Christmas and we all get together for a couple of days. We planted some tulips and daffodils over the week end, so we will be ready for Spring. There is a massive amount of tree trimming to do and soon. So in anticipation of the need, I took advantage of some great 0% financing and purchased a saw, tiller and new 24 HP garden tractor. I have a little wagon already, so I am ready to start cutting some brush, mowing grass (2 acres) and making some garden.
I am in mudville again this week--central Kentucky. But the mud has calmed down, and the tissue mill is running much better. Running three weeks helps the learning curve a bunch. So, I am still trying to help get all our program in order, where we manage them, not thrash to keep them running--which we did the first week I was here. You actually have some time to look into the process and try and make things better since the system is actually stable.
My hope is that Linda and I have a restful Holiday beacause we need it--bad. So, Happy Holidays to all of you readers and followers.
By the way, I have not been to the gym or worked out in 4 weeks. I tell everyone I am in my "off season" , which I am. I need to start thinking about getting started again. But, I will save that for after the holidays. Have a good one y'all!
We have all the rooms in basic order and the boxes are basically gone. So, we are ready for company. 4 kids show up around Christmas and we all get together for a couple of days. We planted some tulips and daffodils over the week end, so we will be ready for Spring. There is a massive amount of tree trimming to do and soon. So in anticipation of the need, I took advantage of some great 0% financing and purchased a saw, tiller and new 24 HP garden tractor. I have a little wagon already, so I am ready to start cutting some brush, mowing grass (2 acres) and making some garden.
I am in mudville again this week--central Kentucky. But the mud has calmed down, and the tissue mill is running much better. Running three weeks helps the learning curve a bunch. So, I am still trying to help get all our program in order, where we manage them, not thrash to keep them running--which we did the first week I was here. You actually have some time to look into the process and try and make things better since the system is actually stable.
My hope is that Linda and I have a restful Holiday beacause we need it--bad. So, Happy Holidays to all of you readers and followers.
By the way, I have not been to the gym or worked out in 4 weeks. I tell everyone I am in my "off season" , which I am. I need to start thinking about getting started again. But, I will save that for after the holidays. Have a good one y'all!
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