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Showing posts from September, 2013

Greater Nashville District meet

This weekend was the Senior Games District track and field qualifier for next summer's Tennessee  State Finals, which qualifies you for the 2015 National meet--Ponzi would be proud.  You can't get out, because you can't get back in! The meet was next door to our place, at Ravenwood High School.   As a note, Ravenwood lost this weekend in overtime to Overton in football.  It was probably the best high school game I have ever watched.   A real barn burner that came down to a failed 2 point conversion on OT.  It had everything, what a game. Overton is your traditional run team with only 5 passes attempted all game with 1 converted.  Ravenwood is up tempo, no huddle passing attack, with some really good skill players.  45 yard field goals and even a kicker that can send kick offs thru the end zones!! Overton is 6-0 and Ravenwood is 4-1.  Both will make the playoffs in my opinion.  Both are great prog...

2013 season draws to a close

The kitchen paint has been completed and it looks great.  New curtains, updated lighting and some slide out cupboard trays are on the way.  Things are looking better inside the Ole Fly House.     I am also working on some outdoor projects just to make sure I get to do a little sweating. These projects require shovels and pick axes.  Last week I was in Memphis and did some running in Shelby Farms and also on the local sidewalk.   I did got in some good workouts with my run the walk methods.  Run at a brisk pace and then when the heart rate gets to 98%, walk until it goes back down to 80% and repeat, repeat, repeat....    Next week I will be in southern Arkansas and next weekend is the district qualifier.  So, I hope we get some cooler weather and I can find some where to do some speed work if I feel good.   So, I have another week to stay fit and then I think a break may be taken f...

Out West

New Kitchen paint!! I am traveling today and have three hours to kill in the Las Vegas--aka lost wages airport.    This is a really really busy airport, but the eating choices are quite limited.  I was looking for a 'sit down' restaurant that would be good to get some brunch and while away a little time.   Sammy Hagar's Bar and Grille is close as I got.   Oh well the eggs were good.    I also inhaled a bear claw for a follow up snack.   They do have slot machines in the airport, which take up a lot of prime real estate needed for walkways and seats. The engineering crowd is always looking for the free flow of materials and that does not happen here, the people are always crowded in the areas that accumulate and get stuck-- bad engineering at its finest.   This place is crowded enough without the one armed bandits getting in the road.  I wish they would outlaw them and smoking all in...

Franklin Classic

Linda and I participated int he Franklin, TN  Franklin Classic 5K race today.  It is run through the streets of downtown Franklin starting and ending on the town square.   I was trying to break 30 minutes for a 5K which has been a goal of mine for several years.  I came up a little short of my goal, but put in some great effort.   I ran a 30:53.  Here are the excuses--it was humid, really humid and race traffic was pretty heavy for the first 1/2 mile.   But, I doubt I would have broken 30 minutes in perfect conditions.   I ran most of  race at 98% heart rate and had to do a fair amount of walking to get the heart rate below 165.  169 heart beats per minutes is my calculated maximum.   I enjoyed the race and there was a lot going on with different groups cheering on their runners.   There was around 3000 people running the 5 and 10 K events.  Linda walked the 5K.  She has been having s...