Linda and I participated int he Franklin, TN Franklin Classic 5K race today. It is run through the streets of downtown Franklin starting and ending on the town square.
I was trying to break 30 minutes for a 5K which has been a goal of mine for several years. I came up a little short of my goal, but put in some great effort. I ran a 30:53. Here are the excuses--it was humid, really humid and race traffic was pretty heavy for the first 1/2 mile. But, I doubt I would have broken 30 minutes in perfect conditions. I ran most of race at 98% heart rate and had to do a fair amount of walking to get the heart rate below 165. 169 heart beats per minutes is my calculated maximum. I enjoyed the race and there was a lot going on with different groups cheering on their runners. There was around 3000 people running the 5 and 10 K events.
Linda walked the 5K. She has been having some unusual foot pain lately but made the full 5K in great form. Once, we were finished, we picked up some water and headed home for real breakfast--eggs, sausage and some high fiber bread--yum...
In recent days, I have basically completed Rock Fest and can rest my back some. The big rocks and moving really heavy muddy creek soil have been pretty taxing on my back. Time to move to the next project, probably more unacceptable trees to be cleansed.
Linda was been experimenting with some different types of food, including quinoa, flax and chia. I planted some quinoa (keen wa) in the garden over the weekend--wikipedia said it was a cool weather plant, well we will see. We should be frost free until November and I think we can get some to mature. It is typically grown in the high deserts of South America. I also will try planting some flax and chia next year in the spring. We are going to food growing everywhere next year. The local wild turkey population has been quite nosey around my recent planting and keeping them at bay may be an issue. They love to tear up new planting and eat the seeds.
I was trying to break 30 minutes for a 5K which has been a goal of mine for several years. I came up a little short of my goal, but put in some great effort. I ran a 30:53. Here are the excuses--it was humid, really humid and race traffic was pretty heavy for the first 1/2 mile. But, I doubt I would have broken 30 minutes in perfect conditions. I ran most of race at 98% heart rate and had to do a fair amount of walking to get the heart rate below 165. 169 heart beats per minutes is my calculated maximum. I enjoyed the race and there was a lot going on with different groups cheering on their runners. There was around 3000 people running the 5 and 10 K events.
Linda walked the 5K. She has been having some unusual foot pain lately but made the full 5K in great form. Once, we were finished, we picked up some water and headed home for real breakfast--eggs, sausage and some high fiber bread--yum...
In recent days, I have basically completed Rock Fest and can rest my back some. The big rocks and moving really heavy muddy creek soil have been pretty taxing on my back. Time to move to the next project, probably more unacceptable trees to be cleansed.
Linda was been experimenting with some different types of food, including quinoa, flax and chia. I planted some quinoa (keen wa) in the garden over the weekend--wikipedia said it was a cool weather plant, well we will see. We should be frost free until November and I think we can get some to mature. It is typically grown in the high deserts of South America. I also will try planting some flax and chia next year in the spring. We are going to food growing everywhere next year. The local wild turkey population has been quite nosey around my recent planting and keeping them at bay may be an issue. They love to tear up new planting and eat the seeds.
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