New Kitchen paint!! |
I am traveling today and have three hours to kill in the Las Vegas--aka lost wages airport. This is a really really busy airport, but the eating choices are quite limited. I was looking for a 'sit down' restaurant that would be good to get some brunch and while away a little time. Sammy Hagar's Bar and Grille is close as I got. Oh well the eggs were good. I also inhaled a bear claw for a follow up snack. They do have slot machines in the airport, which take up a lot of prime real estate needed for walkways and seats. The engineering crowd is always looking for the free flow of materials and that does not happen here, the people are always crowded in the areas that accumulate and get stuck-- bad engineering at its finest. This place is crowded enough without the one armed bandits getting in the road. I wish they would outlaw them and smoking all in the same swoop. The same people would be mad for each.
I am planning on running this afternoon when I get to Idaho. It should be around 6 PM and I want to be on empty for the stomach, that is my excuse for eating so a late breakfast. The local high school track is a nice synthetic surface and I also want to run on grass as well. I have not run much the last week. This last weekend, I was trying to get out to the track, but it was really hot--95+ and I did not have the motivation to get it done. The district qualifier is in 3 weeks and I want to be in good enough condition to make it thru four races. 50, 100, 200, 400 meters are what I have entered. This is just a qualifier, I just need to line up and finish. Placing and time are not important. I do want to get a good 200 meter time to make up for the poor 200 meters I ran at Nationals--I tied up badly at the end from too quick a pace. This time I will hang back a little before turning it loose.
Instead of heading to the track, Linda and I painted the kitchen. We completed about 2/3 of the work. The cupboards are wood, the doors were removed, stripped of hinges and painted (two coats) and then rehung. We changed the wall color from deep dark red to yellow, the cupboards from white with cameo scences to a much more modern light green. The room looks substantially bigger and we have alot more light bouncing around the kitchen, a nice upgrade from 'the before'. We are both excited to get the other section completed and have our own touches on the kitchen theme.
How about football at five?? The NFL will be showing the early Monday Night Football game at 5:10 local time in Idaho. Hopefully nothing happens to RG III while I do my running workout. I kinda like the early football option. m
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