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Showing posts from October, 2013

Hi Mom !

I found out my Mom reads my blog, so I am doing this one in her honor--Hi Mom!  Linda came home from the hospital a day early, she only stayed two nights after having a new knee put in.  The staff said she was the "star patient" because she was very up to date on what they were doing and was really getting her legs back quickly.  She walked and did steps the day after surgery--pretty darn good in my opinion. Although we have only been home one full day, she is progressing well.  After her physical therapy (PT) today she was walking around the house without her walker.  Just like taking a diaper off a kid, they have to run off to show off a little.  We have a one hour PT session on Friday and four days next week,  I think her walker will be gone by late next week.  The pain is slowly going out of the leg, we use ice quite a bit to take care of the swelling and it is really helping. Buck, Linda's brother will be in town next week making a furn...

Knee day

Today I am hanging around the waiting room at Vanderbilt Hospital waiting to see Linda after her new knee has been installed.    Get here early and wait, it is in many ways like an airport.   A little different crowd than an airport, much fewer professional people and a lot more people eating nervously and going out to get a smoke.   I went out to breakfast after Linda went into the OR, but I could probably bore through plenty of cookies or potato chips just like the rest of the crowd.   Linda  was in the OR about 3 hours and the doctor talked to me and said they got it finished.  His only comment was about a large amount of arthritis in the joint.   But her knee is done and we get to get healed up and on with life.    The knee has been a real problem for several years and we hope they is now in the past.   There is no way to be prepared for this waiting activity.    The nervous edge is just brutal,  you hope, ...

Off Season

I am well into my off season for track.   But that does not mean that all physical activity just stops.   I have not trained at all for several weeks and I and feeling pretty good.  My feet are doing fine and I have not worn any KT tape since the District meet in September.   Overall my health is solid and I could train if needed, but I have instead worked on several projects at the Fly Farm to eliminate large quantities of overgrown landscaping and replace it with something that Linda likes and it much easier to maintain.  The picture is a creation by Linda using mostly our own garden materials and 3 bales of straw we rounded up.  She has been really busy getting Fall flowers in place.  Her knee surgery comes up in 9 days and she wants to have her outdoor landscaping finished.   I have have been planting trees and also removed several yards of dirt that was piled next to a root cellar--aka "Bomb Shelter" or "Dorothy's Hou...