This weekend, I did the final connections for the new irrigation system that will supply creek water to the gardens and yard this summer. As the picture demonstrates, it is a long way up the hill to the house, and the digging was an adventure due to rock and limestone shelves that hinder any efficient trenching. But, it is all done except for the backfilling. My old trailer that I used to move dirt and debris around, has finally died and when my new trailer gets to the dealer, I can pick it up and finish the job. I am using some old roadway dirt/stone to backfill and using the nice silt from the trench that is displaced to improve some yard up in front of the house.
I am getting closer and closer to be a snobby yard person. A lot of trees and unwanted yard stuff has been removed and we finally can have a nice yard space. I now have a very low cost water supply and can irrigate to my heart's content get some nice green grass.
We have had no more beaver scares and we are thankful. Our little beaver drive must have worked pretty good. The trees are all quite thankful as well.
Last week I was in NE Florida and had a chance to run the beach. The weather was nearly perfect and I had two great session on the beach in St Augustine. The beach was hard packed sand (mostly) but had a few degrees of incline which was not that bad but did stress the upper leg a little more. I ran for about 45 minutes for each session and did some 45 to 60 second cylcles to get my heart rate to 95% each time. I felt great and it so much fun to play in the sand. I did have the time the first day to get into the water. The water was a little cooler than I like, but it was quick pool bath none the less.
I have a couple of overnights this week and will get started on some speed work. It is 40 days until I need some speed at the State meet. I will get on the track for the first time this session and do some time work on the 200 meters to check out my strength and endurance. The strength should be fine from all the trenching. Endurance will be the issue, I will let you know how it goes. I have really worked hard at not training too hard this year and I hope that pays off with reduced injuries. So far, so good.
As the training starts to ramp up, I will be creating more entries to chart the progress. Stay tuned.
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