Enough about the kitchen. We need some minor painting, two window treatments and it is finished. Done. No mas..... I did get a chance to race last Saturday at the Second Annual Nashville Track Classic. Fleet Feet puts on the event and I was at last years as well. It is open to all. This year there was a lot of children ages 3 to 10 that ran in the sprints. One cute little girl was 4 or 5 years old and ran with a very stylist knee length yellow tutu/dress. She was decked out and I was quite proud of your running gear. Classy! But when she ran, she would flap her arms like a bird--it was a show stopper and everyone really appreciated the show. She was a lot of fun to watch. As the ages progressed into the early teens the girls were spanking the boys pretty regular and the boys were kinda pissed--they did not expect the results. Girls and boys were mixed in the events and the racing was pretty g...