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Showing posts from May, 2016

Back to Racing

Enough about the kitchen.  We need some minor painting,  two window treatments and it is finished. Done.  No mas..... I did get a chance to race last Saturday at the Second Annual Nashville Track Classic.  Fleet Feet puts on the event and I was at last years as well.  It is open to all.  This year there was a lot of children ages 3 to 10 that ran in the sprints.  One cute little girl was 4 or 5 years old and ran with a very stylist knee length yellow tutu/dress.  She was decked out and I was quite proud of your running gear.  Classy!   But when she ran, she would flap her arms like a bird--it was a show stopper and everyone really appreciated the show.  She was a lot of fun to watch.  As the ages progressed into the early teens the girls were spanking the boys pretty regular and the boys were kinda pissed--they did not expect the results.  Girls and boys were mixed in the events and the racing was pretty g...


The kitchen work is almost done.  I need to paint two window frames, crown molding and two door frames and install the lighting in the cabinets. A couple of hours should do it all.    Wow, what a change in looks! From old country over the top decorations  to new world in a couple of years.   In these pictures, we are looking at the same corner.  The old kitchen is staged for the sales brochure by the previous owners.  I staged the new one to look "normal"   The only pieces we kept from the previous kitchen were the garbage disposal and frig.  The rest is basically new or completed refurbished. We are pretty happy with the turn out.   I will get a panorama shot in the blog was soon as we get the trim finished.    I did run this week!!! The weather was cool and looked like rain was coming over the hill, so I ran on the gym's 1/11 mile track. I really need to get outs...