Enough about the kitchen. We need some minor painting, two window treatments and it is finished. Done. No mas.....
I did get a chance to race last Saturday at the Second Annual Nashville Track Classic. Fleet Feet puts on the event and I was at last years as well. It is open to all. This year there was a lot of children ages 3 to 10 that ran in the sprints. One cute little girl was 4 or 5 years old and ran with a very stylist knee length yellow tutu/dress. She was decked out and I was quite proud of your running gear. Classy! But when she ran, she would flap her arms like a bird--it was a show stopper and everyone really appreciated the show. She was a lot of fun to watch. As the ages progressed into the early teens the girls were spanking the boys pretty regular and the boys were kinda pissed--they did not expect the results. Girls and boys were mixed in the events and the racing was pretty good--no runaways. It was a lot of fun, even though I was feeling lousy.
I did get a chance to race last Saturday at the Second Annual Nashville Track Classic. Fleet Feet puts on the event and I was at last years as well. It is open to all. This year there was a lot of children ages 3 to 10 that ran in the sprints. One cute little girl was 4 or 5 years old and ran with a very stylist knee length yellow tutu/dress. She was decked out and I was quite proud of your running gear. Classy! But when she ran, she would flap her arms like a bird--it was a show stopper and everyone really appreciated the show. She was a lot of fun to watch. As the ages progressed into the early teens the girls were spanking the boys pretty regular and the boys were kinda pissed--they did not expect the results. Girls and boys were mixed in the events and the racing was pretty good--no runaways. It was a lot of fun, even though I was feeling lousy.
I ran the 100 m and 200 m races and skipped the 400. I was not feeling well at all, some sort of cold/flu/ allergy deal that was just killing my energy, but I don't train year round to sit home and cry about it!! I gave it my best shot, I ran 4th in the 100 at 14.36 seconds--electronic timed and really had nothing so to speak in that race. The picture is of the 200 finish, nipped at the wire by 0.1 second. I decided to kick in the speed coming around the corner and just let it rip. About 40 meters to go, my gas was gone and I started to break stride and struggle. I had made the stagger up pretty quickly and was not sure where everyone was, and then this guy had his speed at the finish, I used my up a little earlier. The same thing happened last year in the state, I need to get this part of the finish figured out a little better. Great race, but I got beat. I finished with a time of 28.82 seconds into a very persistent head wind of 10 MPH or so. Not the best conditions, plus it was a little chilly. I have more excuses, but I ran pretty good for my condition and health situation. I am going to the doctor today and discuss the morass my body seems to be engulfed. I can build from these results.
If you ask your body--yell at it sometimes--it will respond in most situations. Mine responded at the meet and I am proud of what it produced. I just need to keep asking and hopefully I will not need to yell as much next time.
Next race is in a month, TN State and this one is the National Qualifier. I am pointing my training for this race, I need to shake the respiratory deal and do some real training.
I did have cake for breakfast today. This is an apron that my wife picked up recently and makes me happy to read and also obey. Yesterday, for some reason I was starved and must have eaten 4500 calories. I had cake and ice cream (twice), and my regular diet as well. I just was craving carbs!! I do feel better today, so I may have been healed by cake, or I am getting better. The illness has been dragging on for almost two week and besides the energy loss, my mental sharpness has been lousy. Just no real brain power so to speak, and it was actually effecting my work and that is a no no. I hope my Doctor and I can sort it out today and not have this crap show up again.
I am thinking I can slip into the store on the way back from the doctor's visit and get some more breakfast cake!
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