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Showing posts from August, 2016


      I made a trip to Oregon this week and stayed in Eugene a couple of nights--that only means one thing to me--Hayward Field.    I did not get to run on the track this trip, it was only open in the morning the day I had a chance to work out.  I checked the track out in the morning and it was open and busy with runners, but in the afternoon when I returned to do my work out--it was locked up.   U of O has a lot of very nice field right behind the track for intramural soccer (4) and also a warm up track that is square and 3 lanes wide. I think it is used for events at Hayward Field when they hold the meets.    Running conditions were about as good as you can imagine.  No clouds anywhere, 85 degrees, breezy and humidity under 30% !!!!  The lack of humidity was very noticeable the entire trip.   As soon as the door opened in Nashville, that blast of wet air reminded rather quickly a...

Michigan Senior Games

150 mark and we are bucking the wind   I made a short trip to Oakland University in Michigan for their Senior Games State Qualifier  the last weekend.   Linda was supposed to join me by taking a later flight on Friday that was cancelled by Southwest. Her flight was scheduled leave Nashville at 8:40 PM and was delayed until 3:40 PM takeoff !!! before it was cancelled.   She missed the show.   And I missed my cheering section.   I got into town on Friday afternoon and made it to the track to stretch and check out the facility for shade, restrooms and all that stuff you need to survive a meet.  I got in a good stretch and shot the breeze with another sprinter who was from Ohio and was in the 70-74 age group.  He still refs high school football and had a bad injury a few years ago when his patella and quad separated on a inception play where he planted his leg at the goal line and it just went. He looked ...

Beyond Busy

    Linda and I made it last weekend to the Pro Football HOF induction in Canton, Ohio.  Brett Favre was going in along with Ken Stabler, Tony Dungy, Marvin Harrison, Orlando Pace, Kevin Greene and Dick Stanfel and Eddy Bartolo.   Some of the well know Raider fans were there as well.  I really feel bad for the Raider Fans. Stabler died just before the announcement that he was going in the hall.  If you get inducted after you die, the speech is eliminated and you get short changed.   We enjoyed ourselves and met a lot of great football fans.  The Raider fans were really good fans and were fun to talk football.  The majority of the fans were Green Bay and most were drunk. It was game weekend to them.   PARTY !!!    We attended the induction and the roundtable.  The roundtable was a great way to get some off the cuff stories and get a feel for the real person.  The game was cancelled,...